Places of Worship
This is music that powers my poems...
"This album contains 10 sublime reflections on religious sites and buildings. If it just represented diplomatic awe around holy places, it could have ended up as spiritually upmarket mood music, but Henriksen's real priorities are the untapped sonic possibilities of the trumpet, as well as ideology-free meditation. On the elegaic 'Adhan', he cultivates an evocative unsteadiness that makes him sound creatively buffeted by solitude, but he's harder and more incisive (as if peering from the prow of a craft on a foaming sea) on 'Saraswati', sad but passionate on 'Le Cimitiere Marin', close to the vocal purity of a chorister on 'Lament', and in league with the Miles Davis of Sketches of Spain on the softly pealing 'Bayon'."
( Review in The Guardian)
Buy the album and be transported: