“her eyes
clouds passing
round the mountaintop
felt by many
loved by more
she sees all
stunning particle
of creation
saviour finding
salvation in salt
wine, spelt, cheese
‘I am that doorway’
Transforming goddess of all or nothing
We hear her shuffle along cramped corridors
Long stone benches, waiting cold
‘Ting, kiss me, touch me, ting’
Every time, touched by human grace
The tolling cloister bell resonates
Lifting the veil barring fear bit by bit
‘My form moves, and falls, and runs, and rises’
Eternal, being, alone, ting
Us choking chickens ache for easy progress
As the expansive night unfolds, cold and vast
Urging, rushing, slow but bold
Do as the Meister says is scarcely enough
Young striving tender strong climbers
Children delighted in high hopes
Flowers adorning towering walls
Our heroic hearts readily devoured
We celebrate our callow death-wounds
Drifting further, and further still

"we breathe
hear bird song
we feel wind
nothing strange in this world
these girls
their eyes
this longing we feel
I know it is not far
no help, though
for home"
Today was a true bird day, sire
Big black ravens, storks, eagles
Elevated by benevolence
Soaring on high promises
The magnificent remains to be seen
Have her mother of pearl potency
Adorning what we can’t grasp
What we never sought
Today was a simple day, sire
Majesty holding one light
In amethyst light time unfolds
Radiating far far star wheels
Painting spirals of life breeding suns
Diffusing cosmic lustre
These hiraeth brush strokes
Tranquil prayers adorned with smiles
Our wistful golden eyes shaping gods
And unparalleled joy
Time passed, future feared
Our procession through this world

"once we wandered
these bounteous lands
from the aether
to the darkling sea
our being
searching for itself
delicate and refined
every step guided from within
so clearly
it looked
like we entered this world
for real"
Urged on by moon and sun
We witness this singer's earth
Fortifying every sound we utter
To rock a creation-drunk world
Deeper and still deeper we delve
Into yours, tireless child of Pan
Blood and water in a thousand guises
Until we forget
You are thirst and fountain both
We are clouds, passing shadows
A first breath pierced our hearts
Still filled with sacred hymns
One mole-skinned word sprang life
Invoking mute spirits
How are you still sleeping
Heir to this rich deep earth
Dreaming flowers of light
Confusing, changing and still one
A radiant dawn opens your eyes
Be this ever flowing craving rapture

"we have vivid dreams
brushing curtains
sensing virtue
of everything
spiralling outward
crystallized in these bodies
everlasting oneness
a small smile
of a tree child"
Snarling dogs grunting harsh songs
Fangs of bone and blood
Sheltering limbs murmuring
Magnificent sun filtered lives
Being blown into existence
Walking into this gold-flecked realm
A beech cathedral, like living marble
Abundant with all not yet remembered
Ever changing and growing
Still life sanctuary
All started once as one melting stream
Crystalized into this pristine presence
Time descends in easy white flakes
As we stroll among signs of diffusing light
Now, blink, and our journey of wonder
Wandering delightful realms of anything
Blink, this childish miracle-marvel ends
In wisps of smoked ice in mirrors
And slowly, our sleep-worn steps stop
Our knees aching more than our souls

"we followed
these tricky twisting paths
aided by a snakestaff
and look, here it is
more than perfect
carefully sculpted
moonlight smiles upon us
misterioso, lebhaft
twenty minutes past eight
our own rite
a rhythm
from its own glimpses
you'll see"
Wide arms giving ash-green shelter
Offering refuge to weary seekers
Deeply rooted in spreading harmony
Whispering of timeless seas
His dried blood now sustained
Still standing in unwavering patience
Singing of places we yearn for
Most eloquent messenger
Wonderful body of time
Above this world, below this world
We expect things greater still
Invoking mind of all
Important, potent omens
Sacred words that fit you, only you
We all seek shattering sigils
A tongue-click breaking gates
As sealed granite mouths open
And lick this reed pen to life
Wake up, now, if you will
We are aching to be become