Switch Worlds!
"Between the worlds, thresholds exist. For the Greeks, Hermes was the god of these liminal places. This is why Hermes frequently shows up in myths to give aid to heroes (for example, Priam and Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey) who journey into the unknown, as well as to escort departed souls along their journey into the final unknown of the afterlife (for example, the “suitors” in Homer’s Odyssey). This is also why travelers would place a stone onto a herma, a heap of stones found at transitional places like crossroads and graves: to honor and seek the protection of Hermes, the god of the doors to the unknown."
Read the whole article by Gary P. Caton, and buy his book!
image: The World Tree, from Darren Aronofsky's film 'The Fountain' (2007)