
"Hail unto Thee, O Thou All-Cosmos of ethereal Spirit!
Hail unto Thee, O Spirit, who doth extend from Heaven to Earth, and from the Earth that's in the middle of the orb of Cosmos to the ends of the Abyss!
Hail unto Thee, O Spirit, who doth enter into me, who clingeth unto me or who doth part Thyself from me according to the Will of God in goodness of His heart!
Hail unto Thee, O Thou Beginning and Thou End of Nature naught can move!
Hail unto Thee, Thou Liturgy unweariable of Nature's Elements!
Hail unto Thee, O Thou Illumination of the Solar Beam that shines to serve the world!
Hail unto Thee, Thou Disk of the night shining Moon, that shines unequally!
Hail, Ye Spirits all of the ethereal Statues of the Gods!
Hail to You all, whom holy Brethren and holy Sisters hail in giving of their praise!
O Spirit, Mighty One, most mighty circling and incomprehensible Configuration of the Cosmos, hail! -- celestial, aethereal interaethereal, water-like, earth-like, fire-like, airlike, like unto light, to darkness like, shining as do the Stars-moist, hot, cold Spirit!
I praise Thee, God of gods, who ever doth restore the Cosmos, and who doth store the Depth away upon its Throne of Settlement no eye can see, who fixest Heaven and Earth apart, and coverest the Heaven with Thy golden everlasting wings, and makest firm the Earth on everlasting Thrones!
O Thou who hangest up the Aether in the lofty Height, and scatterest the Air with Thyself moving Blasts, who mak'st the Water eddy round in circles!
O Thou who raisest up the fiery Whirlwind, and makest thunder, lightning, rain, and shakings of the earth, O God of Eons!
Mighty art Thou, Lord God, O Master of the All!"