a path opening up to itself
our journey halfway
unfolding initiation
we see desire in faces
painless hearts
almighty anarchy
let them shine
attract and transform
We are unblemished memories
Dripping, like slow water (ting)
Drop after dripping drop, into a lake
Just look and see how green all is
Rejoicing in this angelic might
She drops her eyes (ting)
Her ease in light reflected
While wishes rule
Until another thing moves (ting)
And it all spills over
On this lush sunblinded day
A blue sky lifted by mountains
I am her young divine bull
Muscles rippling flies away
With a pale lilac flowercrown
Beautiful and slyly luminous
Under this vaulted ceiling of leaves
Light moves in my shadow
Lift up our eyes
Shine on us from time to time

"flee, angels
free from flesh
to spheres
grown great
we sing their birth
chant their glory
plant our laurels
and live long"
Stretching like a sunfilled cat
She comes close to vulnerable grace
Granting wings on our frail vessels
Yielding visions of eternal cities
Her radiant reveries reveal
A path the o so mighty sun
And still we crave that constant kiss
But no body kneels before this gift
She is, is a goddess
Plain for all to see
I dare hardly move, so beautiful
This translucent child-heart
Away the grey lone sorrows
Rest your eyes now, come to light
Tired, finally home
All those lolling huntingdogs locked out
Howling at the gates now closed
Barred by wonders we knew of old
Our heated hearts need
Tranquil fragrant sleep

"(fifty-eight minutes past twelve)
we see a frozen top
icy plants
blue and cold
starry planets in white
a silver line of girls
moving, undulating
snaking down
towards trysts
that will happen"
Come unto us, they sing, receive us
Let's celebrate these fierce blue days
Let's enter this forest of wild colours
Girls, men, with sun burned in their eyes
Older than me, bodies most ordinary
I love them, they think, they see
Their essence clear, but not transparent
Inhabited by fertile needs
All of them syllables of time
Chanting, come to us, behold
We recline, unfurl from sleep
Taming this rich silent sorrow
We are all untuned lyres
Under a heaven dark and moonless
Up and up we climb, our mountain path
Loony, we know, but still
There is nothing to fear
With our tingling hearts quickened
So sublime, sweet temple child
You too shall be some god’s mother

“don’t forget the guide
under his gaze
a beam of purest light
shows the enormity of what happens
all the time
we have merged
woven into the tapestry
Shaking up our tottering memory
There is the dancing of sunstreamed bellies
There is giddy pink light, blending
There is this child, alone in ancient dunes
Bearing abundant nuts and fruits
A goddess, honey dripping from her hands
She feeds us and devours us
Sets us free, to yearn
There is the rising, up and up, the weaving
Yes, this is a good place
They bathe their subtle bodies in sun showers
Splendid mirrors, all-sustaining ease
Resounding miracles
Each look a wondrous robe
Hunting like Artemis’ maids
Seven stars share one frail sight
Heavenly bodies vibrating all
Nurture all without touch
They know nothing of our need
Our urge to understand

"we see a river of blue
showing us
flow forever
our nature
lights dotted in high pines
specially chosen
Her vulnerable body clean
From aging and flecks of dreaming
Eye to eye she unveils our affliction
The nocturnal seeking
In her revealing she keeps all
The secret paths of our old being
Her pure white paradise peek
The spark that tells you it is I
Free from casual corruption
Her lithe body still content
We see him fleeing frozen freedom
Releasing steaming clouds of lust
Massive, like Volterra’s Etruscan gate
This is not playful winged Cupid
In our craving for a quiet haven
This vigorous search goes on forever
Snowing sunlight for three white weeks
Our year rings growing still
Praise this irresistible need
This strong hunger, womb of chaos